Assar Gabrielsson (VOLVO)

Assar Gabrielsson (1876-1953) was a sales manager at the bearing manufacturer, SKF. In 1922, looking at the Automobile industry, he proposed that SKF gets in to design and manufacture of cars. The proposal was rejected by board. Further negotiations led to a skunk project in which SKF would invest only if a proof of conceptContinue reading “Assar Gabrielsson (VOLVO)”

Karl Probst [Bantam]

Karl Probst (1883 – 1963) was an American freelance Engineer. In 1940 he was recruited by The American Bantam Car Co. to work on a US military project to design, develop and manufacture a small military reconnaissance vehicle to transport men and material. The tender had tough conditions on the performance, weight and 49 daysContinue reading “Karl Probst [Bantam]”

Herbert Austin

Sir Herbert Austin (1866 – 1941) was a Britisher who moved to Australia in 1884. There he worked with Wolseley, manufacturers of sheep shearing equipment. In 1893, he along with Frederick Wolseley returned back to England. Wolseley started manufacturing sheep shearing equipment as well as bicycles. In 1901, the company was taken over by Vickers.Continue reading “Herbert Austin”

John Willys

John Willys (1873 – 1935) was an American dealer of cars manufactured by Overland Motors in the late 1890s. In 1907, Overland Motors ran in to financial trouble. Willys sensing trouble to his dealership business, organised enough finances and bought over Overland Motors. In 1912, the company was renamed as Willys-Overland. Willys-Overland manufactured cars includingContinue reading “John Willys”

William Morris [MG & Morris]

William Morris (1877 – 1963) was a British philonthropist. In 1909 he founded Morris Garages(MG) involved in the sales and repair of cars and bicycles. Expanding in to car manufacture Morris Motors was founded in 1912. MG continued to provide sales and service to Morris Motors. In 1935, MG was absorbed in to the parentContinue reading “William Morris [MG & Morris]”

Henry Leland [Cadillac & Lincoln]

Henry Leland (1843 – 1932) was a machine shop specialist manufacturing machine tools & engines for Oldsmobile cars. He had perfected precision machining which led to interchangeability of parts leading to mass production. In 1902 he was called to assess the value of the defunct Henry Ford Company. Instead he convinced them to restart theContinue reading “Henry Leland [Cadillac & Lincoln]”

George Selden

George Selden (1846 – 1922) was an American patent lawyer. In 1895 he was awarded patent 549.160 for a “road engine powered by a liquid-hydrocarbon engine of the compression type”. Even though he never made a vehicle, using this he charged 0.75% as royalty from every automobile manufacturer. Henry Ford refused to pay royalty andContinue reading “George Selden”